Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Interview Questions

Male 1

1) It was the only thing that was clean.

2) I got interested in it through some classes in high and decided I wanted to continue in that field.

3) No, I wouldn't, because I feel like if you change one thing it would change the entire course of everything and overall I'm happy with the way my life is going.

Male 2

1) I looked down at what I was wearing and I said, "Do I really need to change my clothes?"

2) I made vidoes for a bunch of my classes in high school and decided I like that.

3) I don't know. Whatever happens, happens - I don't really give a shit, as long as I'm not homeless. And as long as I have money to retire with. I'm cool.

Male 3

1) Uh...honestly, it's what I've worn the last three or four days. It was just kind of there and not dirty yet.

2) Uh...originally I wanted to be journalism major, but realized I hated writing, and decided I liked TV from a class in high school and went with it.

3) Yeah...uh, cuz right now I have no future and to have anything to garuntee I'd get the job I want would be awesome.

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